The series follows Yaman (Halit Özgür Sarı) who was kidnapped from a wealthy family as a child and ended up on the streets. Years later, he unintentionally returns home and struggles to rebuild his life.导演:未知
主演:哈利特·厄兹古尔·萨里 西梅伊·巴拉斯 尤尔达埃尔·奥库尔 多伦阿依.索伊赛尔地 伯坦·阿斯拉尼 塞布尼姆·哈桑尼苏基
Plot Summary:The series portrays the life of a young man named Yaman who grew up on the streets, along with his friends, as they face survival challenges. In the series, the events begin with Yaman's encounter with Ates and his girlfriend Ruya, who come out of an entertainment club at midnight.
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